Robotic Hair Transplant System



Your Transplant Area

The transplant area is the location on your head where your donor hair will be transplanted. Dr Touma will develop an aesthetic design using the ARTAS Hair Studio® Technology based on your goals, hair type and your facial features. Your new hairline will be created and thinning areas will look fuller, thicker and more even.

The ARTAS® Robotic System uses advanced digital imaging to provide accurate mapping and calculations of critical hair follicle characteristics to determine your best hairs for harvesting. ARTAS Hair Studio will deliver your aesthetic design to the ARTAS System for Recipient Site Making where each hair will be transplanted individually under the doctors' control, providing natural-looking results.


Natural, Permanent Hair Growth

After a few months, the transplanted hair will begin to grow in its new location. Your newly transplanted hair, like the rest of your hair, grows steadily over time. Around six months, you will start to notice significant growth. The hair will continue to grow in the treated balding areas over the coming months.


How Will You Look?

ARTAS Hair Studio® is a 3D photograph based simulation of your potential results. During your consultation, Dr Touma will work to design your personalized cosmetic hair pattern and illustrate different options, showing you various graft counts and hair distribution, with your direct input. Intelligent algorithms create a natural site distribution that avoids damaging pre-existing healthy hair, giving you a natural, fuller look.



Artas Lebanon

Protect Your Healthy Hair

  • Recipient Site Making avoids damaging your pre-existing healthy (terminal) hair using a series of algorithms that evaluate many hair characteristics.
  • It is critical to identify both pre-existing healthy (terminal) hair as well as miniaturized (vellus) hair in order to create the best possible Recipient Site Making outcome. The ARTAS® System identifies and avoids damaging healthy hair resulting in providing you the best aesthetic outcome.
  • It is also important to identify vellus hair in order to fill in balding areas and preserve areas that currently have healthy hair.